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BRICK is Back!


BRICK is back in action. We’re off-hiatus and ready to get back into holding Sussex management accountable, and we have some exciting stuff lined up for you guys. We will continue our series of articles focused on exposing systemic injustices at the University of Sussex and how they affect our fellow students. We plan to publish at least one article a week until the end of the year, including our first collaboration with The Badger, so keep your eyes peeled. In addition to articles, we plan to start publishing more student-created content, such as artwork, poetry and short stories. We hope to show you some of that exciting stuff very soon.

We also must acknowledge that last term, BRICK’s focus on long-form articles meant we often were behind the news cycle and unable to break the important stories to our readers as they happened. This year, we’re seeking to rectify that by creating an ongoing news column. The column will update every fortnight and it will only feature the most essential news relevant to the student body. Whilst we do always have our ears to the ground, this is a massive undertaking for us, so we will be enlisting your help.

We have created a tip hotline for you to share any goings-on you think might be important for the student body to know about. So if you’ve heard any interesting gossip or news at the university, please share them with us so we can investigate them further. We’ll also be sharing the link on our social media, so it’s always accessible. The hotline is available here.

Speaking of social media, we’re currently in the process of giving our Instagram a makeover for the new year. Make sure to give us a follow if you haven’t already. We’ll be resharing some of last year’s articles on there over the next few weeks, so if you missed any make sure to take a look.

In other news, we’re intending to start a brand-new book club very soon. The aim of our newly launching BRICK Book Club is to unite and educate ourselves using radical, intersectional, queer, decolonial and anti-capitalist literature. Any recommendations and input is encouraged. Through widening and educating ourselves with the power of reading we will become stronger radicals. BRICK Book Club will take the form of a monthly ‘recommendation’ and review published on BRICK. More news on that in the coming weeks.

And lastly, we are looking for new people to join our team and fill some roles that have been made vacant by last year’s graduating cohort. Keep an eye out for the listings on our social media later this week. In the meantime, we’re always looking for people to contribute articles, artwork and writings. If you are interested in joining our team as a writer or artist, or just would like to make a single submission, please email We always have room for anyone who identifies with our ethos.

Before we go, we'd like to give a special thank you to our beloved Vice Chancellor for providing us with a fantastic photo to accompany this post. Make sure to go follow his Instagram @adamtickell and let him know just how appreciated he is.

Thank you,